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How to Write Request Email to Delete an Account

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This article will be teaching you how to write a polite email request to delete an account online. Creating an account is easy but deleting it might sometimes be difficult.

Some platforms like social media, online shopping sites, dating, gaming, and hosting companies want to steadily increase their users so they can send emails across regarding their new updates or products.

These emails sometimes annoy us because our email is linked with the account we have in their database, hence so we try to stop their notification. 

We also delete our accounts when we’re not enjoying the service a platform offers or when we feel that our personal information on the website is not safe.

You can easily unsubscribe from any email by clicking on the unsubscribe button option at the end of your email message and you’ll stop receiving their messages but if you you want to delete your account then you need to follow the formats below to write and send an email request to their customer care support team.

You can delete an online account directly from your profile setting but if this option is not available you need to write an email with a clear purpose of deleting your account as this will fasten the process.

Email requests to delete your account demand that you clearly state your reasons. Thus it’s critical that you are clear about what you want when you want it, why you want it, and why the recipient is the right person to fulfill the request.

You just need to follow some simple rules. This article breaks down these rules to show you how to write a request email to delete/close any online account. We also provide an example that shows you how to write the request.

Your requests should be concise and clear. Tell the support team what you want and why you want it.

How to Write an Email to Delete Your Account Online

Your request email should follow a standard format. Just follow this structure. Email messages are simple to write and it has four parts:

  • Subject
  • Greeting
  • Body
  • Closing

Let me further explain these: 

The email subject line is the first heading your recipient will see.

the subject line is where you write the title of your email. You need to Keep it short. example; Request For Account Deletion.”

The body contains the full message. You can also insert files if any. Explain precisely what you want the support team to do and, if required, provide your reasons.

Then at the closing part, you’ll want to use an appropriate and respectful ending. 

To illustrate these points, we’ve created a sample email of the request for you to review and use. Don’t simply copy and paste them, but personalize them for each request and platform.

An example of how to write a polite email request to delete an account, we’ll keep it short and clear, focusing on what we want.

Email Request Sample

Subject: Request For Account Deletion

I have an account on your website with the username E9etinfo and email, I haven’t been using this account for quite a long now, I kindly request that you delete it including all the details from your database.

(My username is ….)

(Email ….) 

I appreciate that you will help me. Do let me know if there is any other information I need to provide.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

(Your name)

writing an email requesting to delete an online account is simple, but you’ll need to follow the correct structure and go straight to the point. Follow the guide we explained here.

Stay updated as we publish more articles on how to delete your online accounts.