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How to Recover an Abra Account

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Did you forget your Abra password but you don’t have access to your email or phone number? If you still have access to either your email or phone number, you can reset your password and recover the account. Simply tap on the “forgot password?” option on the login screen.

However, if you don’t have access to your email or phone number, you need to use another method to recover your Abra account. Otherwise, you have to create another Abra account. In this article, you’ll learn how to recover your Abra account with and without email or a phone number.

How to recover Abra account with email or phone number

  1. First tap on “sign up”.
  2. Then tap on the “log in” text at the bottom.
  3. After that, choose “use phone, email, username”.
  4. Then finally, use “email, username”.
  5. Lastly, go to where it says “forgot password?”.
  6. After that you should be able to reset your password with your email or phone number.

To recover your Abra account without email or phone number, you need to submit the Abra feedback form or you can create a new Abra account and report a problem directly on the app. Once you’ve submitted the feedback form or reported a problem, wait for a few days for Abra’s response.

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If you don’t have access to your email or phone number, you won’t be able to reset your password. Hence, to recover your account, you need to contact Abra directly. Other than the feedback form, there is another way where you can contact Abra.

You can do so directly on the Abra app. However, you need to make another account first. Once you’ve made another account, log in to Abra, navigate to your profile, and tap on the three dots. Then, scroll down and tap onReport a problem”.

Then, select a relevant topic, tap on “No”, tap on “Still have a problem”, describe your problem, and tap on “Report”. Anyhow, below is a step-by-step guide on how you can recover your Abra account without email or phone numbers.

How to recover Abra account without email or phone number

Step 1. Go to the Abra feedback form

The first step is to go to the Abra feedback form. The Abra feedback form has two uses. Firstly, it allows you to share feedback that you have about your experience on the app. Secondly, you can tell them about a problem that you’d like to report. Any information that you provide will only be used to respond to your report. You can visit the form on a desktop or on mobile.

Firstly, search for “Abra feedback on Google and click on the first search result. Alternatively, you can visit the feedback form. This is the official Abra feedback form. Proceed to the next step to learn what to do next.

Step 2. Enter your email address and username

Once you’re on the Abra feedback form, you’ll see a “Contact Information” header. Under the “Contact Information” header, you’ll see two fields. The first field is the “Email address” field which has an asterisk. Under the “Email address” field, enter any email address.

The email address does not have to be associated with your Abra account. Since you’ve lost access to your old email address, use an alternate email address that you have. Otherwise, you’ll have to make a new one.

Next, you need to enter your Abra username under the “Username” field. Although the field is optional, you need to enter it since you’re trying to recover your account. Hence, enter the username of the Abra account that you want to recover. Proceed to the last step to learn how to complete and submit the form.

Step 3. Explain that you lost your email and phone number

After you’ve filled in your email and Abra username, scroll down the form. Under the “Username” field, you’ll see a “What would you like to tell us?” field

This field is compulsory, and you’ll have to explain the problem that you’d like to report. Since you’re trying to recover your Abra account, you need to explain that you lost access to your email address and phone number.

Here’s an example, “Hi Abra, I forgot my Abra password but I lost access to my email and phone number. My username is @example. Can you help me to recover it?”. Under the “What would you like to tell us?” field, you’ll see an “Upload” link where you can upload attachments.

As you’re reporting that you lost access to your email and phone number, you don’t have to upload any attachments. Instead, you can simply submit the form. Tap on the “Submit” button to submit the form.

Once the form is submitted, you need to wait for 3 to 5 business days for Abra’s response. They will respond to you via the email address that you’ve entered on the “Email” field. Hence, make sure to check your email for their response with instructions on how you can recover your account.

How to change Abra password without email or phone number

To change your Abra password without a phone number, you can provide your email address instead.

However, if you lost access to your email address as well, you need to contact Abra using the Abra feedback form or report a problem on the app itself. You can contact Abra by completing and submitting the Abra feedback form, or  you can report a problem on the app itself on your profile, describe your problem 

How to recover an old Abra account without a password

To get your old Abra account back without a password, you can log in with your phone number. Abra will then send a code to your phone number that you need to key in before you can log in to your account or you can reset your password on the login screen by clicking on  Forgot password and then entering your phone number or email. Then, Abra will send you a link to reset your password.


Losing access to your Abra account can be very disappointing. You can follow the steps in this article to recover your Abra account.

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