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How to Change Your Height on eHarmony

How to change your height on eHarmony from the bio section. Everyone who is an old eHarmony user knows how to edit their profile. But those who have just joined may not yet know how to do it or how to add their height on the about me page on eHarmony.

In today’s post, I will share with you how to add or change your height from your eHarmony bio.

eHarmony does not have an option for the members to add their height that is why I created this workout to help those who have some changes to make on their accounts. 

How to Change Height on eHarmony from your Bio

1. Open the eHarmony app on your mobile

2. Now go to your profile

3. Below Add Your Story you will see your profile picture then there are three dots click here

4. Now you will see the profile first press there

5. Scroll down a bit to see where the bio is written

6. To the right of that air, you will see three dots or editing option, click on it.

7. If you have previously set any other winds you will see that cut here but if you have not previously set any winds you will see an empty box here.

8. Add your height there. When it’s done, you’ll see it in the top right, save.

You can contact eHarmony Customer Care team if you made a genuine mistake when entering your details, such as a misspelling.

When formulating your request to eHarmony, please make sure to add the exact details that you would like them to update. They stated on their website that they reserve the right to ask for proof of ID in case the difference between what you initially stated is significant, as stated in their Terms and Conditions.

How to Write Good eHarmony Bio/Height

1. Make sure it’s 100% original.

2. Leave your humility at the door.

3. But remember: show, don’t tell on your eHarmony bio.

4. Use emojis tastefully and paint a picture.

5. Make ’em laugh!.

6. Add a call-to-action in your eHarmony bio to convert.

7. Keep it short and sweet.

Note: that profile names that contain profanity, offensive statements, or concepts that are contrary to the law, cannot be accepted by eHarmony.


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