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How to Add Music to Your VKontakte

The VKontakte website has different ways for searching and adding music to playlists. You  can easily find and add songs to your general playlist or create separate playlists based on specific topics or artists. 

You can navigate through the site or explore group publications to discover songs and add them to your audio collection with a single click. 

Also VKontakte supports playlist editing and allows you to download tracks from your computer. Below, we will provide detailed instructions on how to utilize these features effectively. There are also best free VKontakte music downloaders you can use online.

How to Add Music to Your VKontakte

Global Search for Tracks

To begin, let’s explore the basic option of searching and adding songs. You can use the global search and recommendations based on your preferences or curated content on VKontakte. This method enables you to find specific tracks by name or discover new songs for your audio collection.

1. Access songs through the global search bar or the “Music” section in the left panel.

2. In the “Music” section, you’ll find recommendations, new playlists, and VKontakte publications.

3. Recommended playlists, such as “For You” and “Discoveries,” are updated weekly, and some are even updated daily.

4. You can search by song title, artist, or navigate through existing albums.

5. To add a track to your audio collection, use the plus button located near the song or in the player at the top.

Music on User Pages and Communities: 

Apart from independent searches, you can find tracks on people’s pages and in communities where they are shared. Adding songs from these sources follows a similar process as described above.

1. If personal page or community settings allow music display in the content overview, you’ll see a tab with songs when you visit the profile or group.

2. Play tracks and add them to your collection through the player.

3. When playing at least one track from a list, a general playlist will be created for sequential playback.

4. Some publications may have attached audio recordings. Click the plus button next to the track to add it.

Adding Tracks to Playlists

Let’s explore how to add tracks to existing or new playlists on your own page. Unfortunately, there is no direct option to add a selected track to a playlist during playback. Instead, you can edit the playlist as follows:

1. Create a new playlist or select an existing one for editing.

2. Above the included songs, click the “Add audio recordings” button.

3. Use tracks from your page, perform a global search or add music from other playlists.

4. After editing, click “Save” to apply the changes.

Uploading Music from Your Computer: 

In cases where searching for music on VKontakte doesn’t yield the desired results or if you want to add your own tracks, you can use the upload button to add tracks from files stored on your computer. These tracks will be added to your “My Music” section and can be shared with others.

1. Click the music upload button in the appropriate section.

2. Select “Choose File” and double-click on the desired track from your computer.

3. Wait for the successful upload notification and open your audio collection to view the added track.

4. To edit the track, hover the mouse cursor over it and click on the pencil icon.

5. In the track options, you can modify the artist’s name, add a title, specify the genre, and upload lyrics.

6. If you don’t want the track to be found by other users, select “Do not display when searching.”

Mobile App

Working with the VKontakte mobile app differs slightly from the website due to the modified interface and additional functions. Let’s explore how to find and add tracks using different methods on the mobile app.

Search through the “Music” section

1. Launch the mobile app and navigate to the “Services” section, then tap on “Music.”

2. Use the search bar to find tracks by artist or track name.

3. Tap on the three dots beside a track to access the control menu. Add it to your music or select a playlist.

4. To add the current playback to your track list, use the plus button in the player.

5. Browse the “Music” section for collections curated by algorithms and users.

Music on User Pages and Communities:

1. Visit a user’s page or group and access the “Music” section.

2. Open the list of added tracks and play them or add them to your collection using the built-in player.

2. If one or more tracks are attached to a publication, click the plus button beside the track to add it.

For large playlists or extensive track lists, click on the name to expand the entire list of songs.

3. Choose the desired songs and tap on the plus button to add them.

Adding Tracks to Playlists:

4. In the mobile app’s “My Music” tab, select the “Playlists” section.

5. Locate the playlist you wish to edit, tap on the menu button, and choose “Edit.”

6. Click on “Add Music.”

7. Perform a global search or open other playlists, then select multiple tracks to add to the playlist.

9. Tap “Save” to finalize the changes.

Transferring Music from Other Services 

The VK mobile app allows for automatic transfer of tracks from services like Yandex.Music or Spotify. This feature streamlines the process for users transitioning from other platforms, eliminating the need for manual track searches.