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5 Tips to Get More Messages + Friends On Wizz

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It can be super awkward sending messages to people you don’t know. It can feel a lot more awesome when you get people sending you instead. One of the most interesting things about Wizz is that you can instantly meet and chat with people from around the world.

Having a lot of friends on Wizz can help you a lot in terms of growing your connection with people outside your country

Having more friends is one of the best ways to grow your audience online which has great benefits in terms of building connections and promoting your business/products, Of course, it also makes you look popular and an important figure.

In this post, we’re going to look at how to get more messages and friends on Wizz.

How to Add Friends on Wizz App

There is no button to add a friend on the Wizz app. All you need to do is to message someone you like and if they reply to you back, you become friends automatically. Here is how to do it:

1. Download and install the Wizz app

2. Open the app and create an account if you haven’t done that already.

3. Now to find new friends go through the profiles of someone want to add and Send a chat

4. You’ll have three options to send messages, “Standard”, “Super”, and “Bulk”.

5. Once the person replies you become friends.

How to Make Friends On Wizz?

The only way to make friends on Wizz currently is by Waving hands. By tapping on the “Waving hand” symbol, you will be provided with two options:

  • Direct message – On sending a direct message, your message will appear in the feed, where anyone can contact you.
  • Group chat – On sending a group message, anyone can join you in the group. You can also make more friends by joining a community of people that have the same interest as you.  

How to Get More Messages On Wizz

1. Create an Eye-Catching Profile

The first thing people see on your Wizz account is your profile. Your profile consists of personal details about you. 

Ranging from your bio, pictures, educational background, Interest/desire, where you’re from, favorite movie, hubby, etc.

Creating a good profile is as good as announcing your presence to the world, and determining the number of people you attract.

Add a profile picture, fill out the required details and make your profile professional with a little bit of fun.

Once you create your profile with a good bio, people are ready to wave and send you a message.

How your profile looks will play a huge part in the number of people from all over the world that’ll like to make you their friend.

2. Add Value to Yourself

Believe it or not, people are selfish. It’s not me being all emotional or anything. It’s just nature. We tend to invest in things that would give us a benefit in return. 

Like when you invest in higher education, you do it so that you can get a high-paying job in the future. Or if you invest in real estate, you’re doing it in the hopes of making a profit of some kind.

The same thing is true online. When people see that you can help them in some way, they would be willing to subscribe to you in some way. In this case, we’re more concerned with getting more messages on Wizz.

The only way to get more people to send messages is to give people a reason to add you to their friend list.

Do you need to think about what is their incentive for having you in their world? How can you help them in some way?

Maybe you’re an expert in programming and you want to help other people learn to code.

You would then want to optimize your Wizz profile to be geared more towards what programming lovers would love to see rather than posts filled with selfies of yourself with random obvious filters.

You will want to optimize both the bio and your profile photo. These are usually the first thing people see when they first land on your profile. You need to blow their socks off at first sight.

Your bio could be surrounded by programming languages. You’ll need to put yourself in the shoes of your future potential friend.

Think about what elements in the bio would have piqued your interest if you had come across someone else’s profile.

Another thing you should do with your Wizz bio is to add a call-to-action to invite them to become your friend. Sending messages to people you don’t know as a friend can be an awkward situation and even more awkward if you get no reply.

Make the decision easy for them so that they don’t feel awkward. For example, you could have text on your bio that says something like “Connect with me if you want to learn more awesome programming tricks”.

This helps to lessen the resistance to getting people to send you messages.

Another call to action could be to invite them to send you a message they will receive some kind of reward for doing this. Maybe a free eBook, cheat sheet, or some other lead magnet.

With your profile photo, it’s best to keep it natural and yourself. Try not to make it look commercial or sales in any way. Just a real photo of yourself without any filters to show you as a normal everyday person. 

You’re looking to increase likeability and make people relate to you better.

3. Share Some Interesting Posts

Once you’ve signed up for the Wizz app, it’s time to get yourself immersed in the app. This is no different from making friends in real life.

Post things that are useful, helpful, entertaining, and overall, just provide great value to your community.

Waving hands at other people’s posts also works like a charm, especially when they need help with something and you know how to help them.

Your goal here is to become a familiar face in the app. The more you turn up to post good content, the more people will start to grow their likability towards you.

You’ll find that over time, people will start sending you more messages organically. This can snowball over time, especially when you post really valuable content.

4. Join a Wizz Community

Find friends who have the same interest and desires as you. Wizz Community is where you can join communities that you are interested in. Like if you wish to join the Movie, Fashion community.

With Wizz’s new community feature, you can find other people who are into things like Fortnite, manga, Roblox games & so much more.

Go to the join community button on your Wizz account and select the community you want – there are thousands of groups on Wizz based on so many interests.

5. Buy Wizz Coin (WiCoins)

If you want to get more messages on the Wizz app, you must either purchase WiCoins or a Wizz Gold subscription. You can only have a certain number of chats with the Wizz app’s free version.


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