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50+ Best Raya Opening Lines That Get Replies

Making a good first impression by crafting the perfect opening line could be the thing that helps you stand out from all the other guys who are blanket-bombing women’s Raya profiles with emojis or “‘sup.”

Great Raya opening lines can often determine whether you pique the interest of your match or are left on read, forgotten in a sea of other dead-end connections. If you’re not sure what to say to help you stand out from the crowd, we have some experts here to help.

Not crafting a good opening also affects how people like you in the Raya community

“Open with a line that shows them that you’ve taken the time to look through their profile,” says sexologist and We-Vibe sex expert, Dr. Jess O’Reilly, Ph.D. “Try to demonstrate that you’re not just copying and pasting a generic Hi. I think you’re cute. Wanna chat? message. For example, if they say they’re into hiking and they’ve posted a few mountaintop pics, ask them about this specific interest. Hey! Love your hiking pics. Is that Valley of Fire? I’ve always wanted to visit. Anyhow, let me know if you’re up for chatting today. That last part leaves it open for them to consent. Rather than assuming that you’re entitled to their time, ask if they’re in the mood. If they say they’re busy, ask if they want to continue the conversation, and if they don’t, move along.”

“Don’t just write ‘hi’ or ‘hey!'” Jaime Bronstein, LCSW, a licensed therapist and author of MAN*ifesting, tells MBG. “You want the person to know that you’re interested, and writing one or two words will be perceived as if you don’t care and have zero investment in actually making a connection. If you want a response, you need to put some effort into your opening line.” 

You may also read about the best Raya hacks.

Below are some suggestions for great Raya opening lines—just be sure to tweak them to be more relevant to the person you’re writing to and write in your voice to make them more personable.

1. Your profile is refreshing. I look forward to learning more about you.”

It’s flattering to hear that essentially, you’re different from the rest. Even the best dating apps can get monotonous with so many people saying similar things. So, if you come across a particularly interesting bio and someone who looks to have put extra effort into their profile, let them know it’s appreciated.

2. “What’s one thing I should know before asking you out?”

Kevin Carr, relationship expert and cast member of the VH1 television show Caught in the Act: Unfaithful, says you want to do three things with your opening line:

3. “What’s the most important attribute you look for in a potential partner?”

This lets your match know right out of the gate that you’re looking to establish a meaningful connection. It saves them the guesswork of trying to figure out what you’re looking for. It also shows that what they want is important to you.

Capture the immediate attention of the person you matched with. Show a glimpse of your personality and elicit a favourable response.

4. I believe in love at first swipe. What about you?”

Sometimes a more lighthearted opening line is perfect to get someone’s attention. Maybe they believe in it too, or maybe they don’t. Maybe the line simply makes your match smile. Either way, you’ve given them an opening to engage.

5. I’m never sure what to say here but wanted you to know I’m interested in getting to know you.” It’s honest. It’s vulnerable. It’s direct. Often, that’s all it takes.

6. What’s your superpower?”

This one hits on a few key points we’ve discussed. It’s a question, which compels a response; it’s an attention grabber; and it can also be considered a compliment. You’re assuming they’re good at something. Best of all, it’s thought-provoking and likely will require them to send you a unique response rather than the boilerplate ones they’re used to writing up.

7. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a celebrity?

Who doesn’t want to be told they look like someone famous? Use this opener to compliment their looks and move into movies, music, or pop culture topics. Just try to pick someone they will be flattered by!

8. I have some time off coming up. If you were me, where would you go?  The beach, mountains, or sleep in for a relaxing day?

It’s unlikely that anyone has ever DMed them a question like this. This is the perfect opener because it’s not too personal, but it also tells you about their personality. Maybe you’ll even get a future date idea. 

10. So, when are we going out for coffee? Or do you prefer wine or beer? 

Why not cut to the chase and invite them out for a conversation, IRL? This line helps you discover their beverage interests and show you’re serious about scheduling a date. 

11. Where would you want to be if you could blink and be anywhere in the world? 

People who love to travel should jump at the chance to answer this question. You can follow up with questions about their favourite past vacations and dream future destinations. 

12. Hey, I’m _______. I love your photo of [something on their profile]. What was your favourite part of that experience? 

Sometimes a simple introduction is the easiest way to start a conversation. The formula is simple: Say your name, compliment something on their profile, and then ask a question about it. 

13. What’s something surprising about you that most people wouldn’t guess?

There’s more to people than meets the eye. This question makes your Raya match feel unique and exciting. It shows that you’re not shallow or stuck on looks.

14. OK, I can already tell we have the same sense of humour

Whether it’s based on the books they read, the TV shows they love, or the witty quotes they’ve peppered throughout their profile, it’s often fairly easy to tell when you share someone’s sense of humour. Point it out in your opening line, and start bonding.

15. Be honest: What is one animated character you’ve had a crush on?”

Let’s be real: most of us have been infatuated with a cartoon or animated character before. This might lead to a hilarious explanation from your match, and of course, you can reciprocate by sharing your own.

16. What brings you here?”

In a sea of flirty pick-up lines and subtle come-ons, sometimes a direct question is best. Once you ask, the other person is free, to be honest about whether they want a relationship or just a hookup.

17. What’s your favourite first date spot?”

This message is a little bit flirty, as it suggests you would like to meet up. Chat about what they’d be comfortable doing, and see what happens.

18. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you on a date?

If someone shares in their profile — as they so often do — that they can’t seem to go on a good date, break the ice by asking them to share what’s gone wrong in the past. Get them to focus on funny stories, and share a few of your own.

19. Hey, you seem so cool! I’d love to get to know you more.”

If someone is exactly your type, don’t beat around the proverbial bush. Let them know they caught your eye and that you’re interested in chatting — and seeing where things lead.

20. Hey <name>, you know what’s interesting about your pictures?

Oh btw, bro… if you want to know which ONE word immediately makes women horny. (it’s not what you think) Of course, you want to know what word instantly makes her horny. And of course, she wants to know what’s interesting about her photos.

She probably has some idea of what it could be, but she’s not 100% sure if you have the same opinion. So if she wants a reply… She has to text back.

On top of that, this opener starts with her name. This opener is very similar to the “Not sure if you remember?” opener. But it’s just a tad more personal. And thus more effective.

21. This is what I notice when I see your pictures. You have this kind of friendly vibe about you, you seem quite open. On the other hand, I think you can be quite introverted and be a bit shy as well. In one of your photos, I also noticed something funny

This opener brings a personal message. It’s like you know her well by just looking at her photos. Barnum Statements are remarks that seem super personal but are applicable to just about anyone. You’ll notice that many women will ask what the funny thing is that you noticed.

Flirty Raya Opening Lines

Flirty Raya Conversation Starters

It is Raya, after all. Here are some flirty message ideas that are slightly forward without being creepy. 

“So, where is the best place for our first date?“ 

“What’s your secret guilty pleasure? “

“I would love to take you to the movies, but they don’t allow snacks. “

“If you were a dessert, what would you be?“

“Are you a country road? Because I’d like you to take me home.” 

“You’re the most handsome/beautiful match I’ve ever made on this app. I would love to see you in person.“

“Us Matching = is already a better love story than The Notebook.“ 

“I Almost dropped my phone when I realized we matched. I just wanted to let you know you have that effect on me.“

“In the mood for a fun evening?“ 

“I don’t even need a drink. You’re already intoxicating“.

“OK, let’s share lousy date stories. You go first????“

“Can we just skip the small talk and go straight to flirting? “

“I bet your laugh is just as vibrant as your smile. Can I hear it sometime?“ 

“If you respond to just one message today, let it be mine. “

“If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.“

“I’m watching a rom-com RN, and the main character looks almost like you. Except not nearly as cute.“

“There is no word in the dictionary to describe how good-looking you are.“

“Can we cut to the chase? Here’s my number. I would love to hear from you.“ 

In case you want to edit your profile, Raya lets you change your age