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How to Change Bio On Wizz

Changing your bio can be difficult; after all, you need to sound interesting within a word limit. So how do you make an impression with a few words and change your bio on Wizz?

Your bio is a window to your account. Some of the most successful users on the Wizz app have a summary of themselves, where they belong, and what they would like their followers to see first. Someone who may open your account might get overwhelmed by who you’re and would prefer to read your bio first.

To change your bio on Wizz, visit your Wizz profile and click on ‘Bio.’ This will allow you to put in your bio if you haven’t already added a bio or changed your old bio. Save your settings after updating your bio or making any changes.

And over time, like your profile and mood changes, you can sync your bio to it for a personal touch.

Even though it does not seem likely, Wizz’s bio has many exciting features that can elevate your account.

Steps Change Your Bio on Wizz

To change your Wizz bio, just follow these quick steps.

Step 1. You can go to your profile by tapping the icon on the homepage of the screen. Here’s also where you can reset your profile photo and generally manage accounts such as changing your location.

Step 2. Tap the Bio button under your profile icon.

Step 3. After you tap Edit Profile, select the Bio field and start writing. You have limited characters to make your mark, so be sure to make them count.

Step 4. All that’s left is to tap Save, and then you’re done.

Wizz sometimes does not allow you to edit your bio – it makes to option unclickable, in such case, you need to add the bio on your photo or video you already uploaded to your profile. Wizz also does notify screenshots.

How to Write a Wizz Good Bio

A good bio might give you a better chance to grow your friend list and improve the engagement rate. That’s why a good bio is essential. If you don’t know how to write it, below are five tips to make a regular bio a good one.

  • Talk about yourself or your account excitingly.
  • Try to add emojis; they make your bio look visually pleasing.
  • Stay within the character limit to be concise.


Bio’s are a very integral part of your Wizz account. They need to have enough information to excite their friends but never enough to get them overwhelmed.

The possibilities are endless when you’ve mastered the art of writing clever bios. Adding relevant words to your profile, and people who love your profile can like you and you get matched.