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Shopee Abnormal Activity: How to Avoid Ban

Shopee like many online marketplaces, a majority of sellers are reputable and trustworthy, making the marketplace reasonably safe and legit. The company offers Trade Assurance, and also verify sellers to protect your payments through the Shopee payment platform. Hence once Shopee detects abnormal activity from any user it bans the person.

What Abnormalities Detected Means on Shopee

This usually happens in an attempt by Shopee to limit fraud or unauthorized transactions. If Shopee detects suspicious activities on your account, it may lock it to help keep you protected. 

The types of abnormal activities that may lead to a lock on your Shopee account include: A new account making an unusually large number of orders, fake order creation, abuse of vouchers/promotions, scams, and more.

Once your account has been found to be involved in suspicious activities that violate Shopee Terms of Service it gets suspended or permanently banned.  

Types of Shopee Ban for Abnormal Activity

There are different ban for different users on Shopee, they are:

Shopee Banned Seller

To maintain customer reliability & trust, Shopee bans sellers’ accounts on those with high abnormal Activities. If your seller account gets suspended on Shopee, you can’t use it by any means, and won’t have access to your shop except when you get unbanned.

If you’re a seller and your product is delisted, suspended or deleted by Shopee, it is most likely due to a violation of either Shopee’s listing policies or the Terms of Service.

If you’re from certain countries that are blacklisted due to a high fraud rate your account might be suspended for abnormal activity. Thus, you should avoid purchasing item from someone who’s from a blacklisted country especially if they want to pay with a gift card, or otherwise, their Shopee seller account will be banned.

Unusual changes in billing/shipping address and username, Shopee’s security system can be triggered by an abnormal activity, such as frequent changes in the, link/URL, username and address details. If there’s a need to change make changes, user should keep the same name or contact customer support for advice.

Additionally, If you get an abnormal notification email from Shopee, the first step is to check whether it’s really from Shopee or it’s a scam trying to steal your personal and credit card details. You can contact Shopee customers service via email, phone, and SMS.

How Do You Know If Seller is a Scammer on Shopee

There are no guarantees that you will not get scammed when buying from Shopee, but I can tell you how to spot the real sellers from the bad ones easily. Stay away from the bad actors and the chances of getting scammed are less than 1%. When observing a seller’s metrics that you can see on the front end, what you want to look at is their Seller Feedback.

Seller feedback is not the same as product reviews. Instead, they are reviews related to the performance of the seller, not the product. The seller feedback section can be very revealing if there are multiple reviews claiming the product never arrived, looked counterfeit, etc. this is a sign to avoid purchasing from the seller.

Note: Just like most items on online marketplace, seller reviews on Shopee are easy to fake. illegitimate sellers will try to cheat the system by purchasing dozens of items from themselves and then leaving fake reviews from multiple accounts on their seller profiles. Beware of suspicious-looking reviews and watch out for large groups of 5-star reviews left during the same time period. 

Shopee Banned Products

A Shopee restricted product is any product that Shopee either doesn’t allow sellers to list at all or requires sellers to apply for approval to sell it.

Shopee bans product to protect customers, and themselves, they restricts categories which are particularly susceptible to counterfeiting and quality issues. To get approved, sellers have to submit information about their business and their products. You need to fix your  Shopee verification issues.

Products that falls under these categories are likely be banned: Prohibition on Tobacco Sales, advertising & promotion online,  medication/Health supplement/medical device/drug. Check out how to source products to sell on Shopee.

Shopee Banned Device

Why does device get banned from Shopee? A device may get temporarily blocked due to the sending of spam, using Shopee in other prohibited ways, using a VPN (virtual private network) or creating multiple accounts with the same device/IP location.

It’s important to understand that Shopee has strict policies and terms of service that users must follow. If your device or account has been banned, it may be because you have violated one or more of these guidelines 

If you want to create a different account, use different identification information, and make sure that you are not using the same IP address to access both accounts. When you get your account unbanned it will also unban your device and IP address.

Note that Shopee also bans accounts according to IP addresses. If you are running a batch of accounts and log in to only one account each time, there’s still a great risk of getting “red cards” from Shopee as you’re doing it from the same IP address.

Shopee Buyer Account Suspended

Shopee suspends buyer accounts and the reasons for it may differ and include: suspicious location and/or abnormal activity, problems with personal data, credit card issues. The problem is easily solved if you follow all the necessary step to remove your credit card from Shopee and add a new one.

To avoid getting suspended on Shopee, complete all the registration details, don’t use multiple shipping addresses or someone else’s credit card, purchase expensive items with your credit card and not frequently, don’t order frequently or in bulk from a buyer’s account and stick to using your own credit card.

Buyer account can also be banned for too frequent and large buyout, for using credit cards that do not match the country of the account registration, for changing delivery addresses and Shopee link too often, for logging into the account through different IP addresses.

Shopee Comment Banned

Shopee take the integrity of their reviews/feedback section very seriously. If they detects that you have attempted to manipulate feedback or violated their guidelines in any other manner, they may immediately suspend or ban you, and delist related items.

So, as a buyer, you could experience a comment ban once Shopee finds your reviews or feedback suspicious and detects that you are systematically leaving negative reviews on a frequent basis.

Shopee Request Form

Shopee Request Form

If you want to get unbanned as seller immediately you should be ready to submit an appeal. Go to the Activity Notification section within Seller Centre, find your suspension notice and click the “Appeal” button then submit your appeal. Then comes the wait. Read more on how to recover restricted Shopee account

You can also check the reasons for listing violations and see if there’s any other action you can take to solve the issue. You can also click HERE to get the appeal form.