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10 Tips to Get More Followers on Tango App

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Starting new on Tango or just trying to build your online presence? You’re probably wondering how to get more followers on Tango social community app.

And no, we don’t mean buying followers or using bots. Those tricks might boost your follower count for a short time, but they won’t do you any favors long-term.

That’s because the only truly valuable Tango social live community app followers are real people who care about and engage with you.

Check out our in-depth guide to learn how to grow Tango followers organically.

10 Ways to  Get More Followers on Tango App

1. Share Great Content

Tango Content Creator

Sure, this might seem obvious, but it’s critical when thinking about getting followers on Tango. Every post on your Tango grid must be high-quality and visually engaging.

When new users visit your profile, the content should make them want to see more (and click Follow).

Give the commercial photographer username a round of applause for this visual feat. Write compelling, long captions. Tango is a visual social media platform, but great Tango captions help you get more reach and engagement.

Ask a question. This makes it easy for your audience to leave a comment. That increased engagement will help make your account visible to more people. You can also add an Emoji bit of variety and can make your caption more enticing. Just make sure you use those emojis correctly!

2. Know Your Target Audience

Getting new followers starts with knowing everything you can about your current followers. What kind of live video are they looking for on Tango? Do they want educational videos or aesthetic videos?

Take a look at who follows you and interacts with your content, this’ll shed light on who they are and what they enjoy. Then do more of that! The more you can create content for your specific target audience, the more they’ll engage.

3. Post Content That’s Meant to be Re-shared

Your audience wants to engage with content that’s useful and inspiring. So when planning your posts, think about types of content that other people might like to share.

People love sharing infographics. Feed that desire by supplying your followers with your expert insights. If someone embeds your Tango posts in their blog, you’re exposed to a whole new audience of potential followers.

People can also re-share your posts in their Tango Stories. These posts are clickable, so anyone who wants to know more can click through to your original post. It’s another easy way to expand your reach to new audiences and potential new followers.

4. Incorporate Trending Songs and Sounds

Someone Listing to Music

These songs are trending for a reason! They’re popular and often come with a push from record companies. The algorithm will help any live videos you make with trending sounds, so they’re an easy way to get your videos in front of more eyeballs. You can find trending songs on other social media platforms, or use the tracks that the Tango app users use when you shoot a new video.

Of course, just because something is trending doesn’t mean you have to participate. Make sure it’s relevant to your niche and audience.

5. Post at the Right Time

If you want people to see your content, you probably don’t want to be uploading new videos at 3 am. You need to be sharing videos when your followers (and potential followers) are already scrolling in-app.

6. Gain Followers by Following Others

Simply following other users is often enough to expand your network. When you follow someone else, that prompts them to check out your profile. To increase your chances of a follow back, try finding profiles that are similar to yours.

Interacting with similar profiles and content will help you dive deeper into your own Tango community. Building upon your Tango community will improve your engagement.

7. Share Your Tango Profile on Social Media

If you have a large following on another social media platform, you should definitely take advantage of that. Your followers on that platform already know you, which makes them more likely to follow you on Tango as well.

Share your Tango profile on all of your other social media accounts. Not only does this attract the following that you already have, but it can also introduce you to a new audience.

8. Upload Videos on a Daily Basis

This point speaks for itself. If you don’t post content often enough, how are people going to find your Tango videos? While you don’t necessarily have to post videos every day, you need to come up with a schedule. Posting every other day or once a week is a good way to start.

When people follow your account, they expect to see more content. If you haven’t posted in months, you’ll lose Tango followers.

9. Learn From Other Popular Members

Before you start creating your own videos, you should once again browse the For You Page. Some of these videos will have hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of likes.

Ask yourself: what makes these videos good? Maybe it’s the skill or even the personality of the user. Either way, take note of their performance, along with any special effects or props they used. You can use this knowledge to improve your next video.

10. Upgrade Your Photography Skills

To make videos like famous Tango users, you’ll need to learn photography basics and improve your camera skills (even if you’re just using your smartphone). By fine-tuning your skills you can start shooting more professional-looking videos.

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