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What Does Bumble Offline Mean

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Bumble’s offline status/Snooze mode feature lets you appear offline to friends, or appear online to friends you want to chat with. To activate offline status login into your Bumble account and click on the settings. Then click the gear icon to expand Options and select Appear Offline.

Bumble offline is the same as Snooze mode which disables the chat from showing that the user is online and removes the time stamp that displays when the user was last logged in. There is also an “Unseen Message” feature that enables the user to still send messages and get replies without the recipient seeing that they have been read on some social media apps.

Bumble Snooze helps when you don’t want or don’t have time to engage with friends. If you want to log into Bumble without your friends knowing you’re online, you can easily turn off your “active status” so you appear offline

You can turn off your active status on the Bumble website, and Bumble mobile app. When your active status is turned off, you will appear offline even when you’re online. 

How to Go Offline on Bumble

1. Log in to your account and go to your Settings

2. At the very top you’ll spot “Snooze mode.” 

3. Tap on the Snooze mode tab, and you’ll be given four options about the duration of your invisibility on the app. 

4. You can choose to be “invisible” for 24 hours, 72 hours, a week, or indefinitely.

Can my friends see my active status if I ignore them on Bumble? There is no connection between ignoring the message and the online or offline status of Bumble. So, if you ignore someone on the messenger they can still see you as active if you are active.

How Can You Tell if Someone is Offline on Bumble

You can see someone is active on Bumble by checking the green dot on their profile, next to which “recently active” is written – it means they’ve been active in the last 24 hours; which does not mean that they’re online at the moment.

You can also tell if someone is on Bumble by entering their name in the search bar in the app, and clicking on them. One clear sign that he’s still using Bumble is if he’s updated his profile photo and information.

Another way to find out if someone is using Bumble is to open Bumble on your phone– you won’t need to log in. Enter either the person’s profile ID into the search section. There should then be a confirmation of whether this is an existing account on their records or not. 

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